Allison Hurst

Professor of Sociology


Everyone Has Class book project

Along with my co-author Sean McCloud, I am working on a book for a general audience that helps explain what class is and what class does. We are under contract with Oregon State University and hope to get the book out in 2026.

Class Impacts on the Academic Careers of Sociologists

Originally part of an ASA Taskforce Project, I am currently completing a qualitative study exploring class impacts on the careers of first-gen and working-class sociologists, along with colleagues Elizabeth Lee and José Muñoz.

Colleges and Their Communities edited volume

I am currently co-editing a volume with Carmel Price, Dede Setiono, and Evaewero French that collects original essays exploring the many ways colleges impact local communities. Under contract with Rutgers University Press; expected to be out by 2026.